I heard a joke one time about a man that fell off of a cliff and was hanging on to life by a tiny little vine or bush that he grabbed as he fell. The man began to scream for help asking if there was anyone up there to help him. All of the sudden a voice from the sky called out, "My son have faith and let go." The man was thrilled to hear a voice, but then began to scream again asking if there was anyone else up there to help him.
Lately I've been feeling like the man hanging off the cliff. I know whom I believe in and I know what He has delivered me from! I have the head knowledge of what God can do, but here lately I've lacked the heart knowledge. Most of these thoughts come from a discussion Emily & I had about tithing. She wants us to tithe 10% as we're instructed to do in the Word, but on paper I can't see how we can do this and not get thrown into pauper's prison. My head knowledge tells me that God will take care of us if we put him first, but my heart knowledge is having a hard time letting go. I feel like a hypocrite because I try to teach tithing with my students when we have a fundraiser. We always take 10% and use that either for our church or another local charity. How come I can teach it, but I can't live it?!?!?!?
I covet your prayers for a renewed heart knowledge and a renewed passion for God. In return I will pray for you if you let me know what areas you are stuggling. Thanks be to God for never giving up on hard headed people like me!
April 2, 2008
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let me be frank...the Frank

- frankandhonest
- I am married to Emily, dad to Caden & Grayson, dad to Maddie (my dog), Pastor, seminary student, Chaplain Candidate (MSARNG), avid coffee drinker, blessed beyond what I deserve, but most of all God loves me.